Depression is setting in. I am moody, I am confused because I am moody, and I start falling apart. It gets worse over the months and I can't understand it.
04/05/2011 ~ Tinnitus
A consultation with an ENT in Cape Town. The tinnitus was becoming difficult to deal with. Our solution was to prevent the Eustachian tubes from thickening, by stopping coffee intake, cigarettes, and by drinking more water. He prescribed medicated ear drops and an ant-histamine tablet.
06/05/2011 ~ Depression
I see my GP because I cannot cope any longer. He diagnoses me with depression and I am medicated with fluoxetine.
09/05/2011 ~ Depression
I try to talk myself out of feeling this way. I am such a positive person, I love my job, I have a happy family, I have overcome so much in my life. I wonder "WHY is this happening?" I manage to pull myself together and find a psychiatrist.
27/05/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
This is my first session with my psychiatrist and I really like him. He is to the point and I can be honest with him.
13/06/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
My second session with my psychiatrist reveals a bigger problem with concentration.
28/06/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
This is my third session with him, and I am diagnosed with adult ADD. I am put on a trial run of Concerta 27mg for the first few weeks. The Concerta gave me a significant energy boost and a sort of "awakening". Everything became crystal clear and I could focus at work. He also changes my medication due to horrible side-effects from the fluoxetine, and prescribes sertraline.
22/07/2011 ~ Depression
We discuss my life and he is certain that the ADD is causing most of my depression and anxiety, since I have nothing else to talk to him about. He tells me I should only see him every 6 months to monitor the medication.
03/08/2011 ~ Tinnitus
No improvement even after taking all of the ENT's steps. A consultation with my GP to check whether my ears were blocked. NOPE. I end up just living with this complication for months.
19/09/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
I feel that the 27mg of Concerta is not sufficient and we go to 54mg. This was a shock to my system as I turned into a 'zombie'. I could not function on 54mg. I went down to 36mg but it still felt too strong. Eventually I was advised to stay on 27mg.
November 2011 ~ Headaches
My colleague at work gives me Myprodol at work just so that I can get through the day. I need to take headache pills for about another 2 weeks.
December 2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
I cannot keep up at work and I find it increasingly difficult to concentrate. This along with depression, headaches, tinnitus, and hip pain made work extremely difficult.
My husband notices the start of me slurring speech, specially when I am tired. He also notices that I am speaking "badly". (cannot think of words, forget what I am saying mid-sentence, forget names)
03/12/2011 ~ Headaches
I see a physiotherapist because I suspect it is tension headaches. She treats my neck.
07/12/2011 ~ Headaches
A second appointment with the physiotherapist, and I admit that it is not really helping - the pain is different to a tension headache pain.
13/12/2011 ~ Headaches
My last try at the physiotherapist and I am still not improving.
January 2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
It feels as though the Concerta is not helping at all. I feel drained, weak and exhausted.
January 2012 ~ Kidneys
I notice the need to run to the loo more often than normal. I don't take notice of this as I'm drinking a lot of water, so that should explain it.
12/01/2012 ~ Headaches
This is a month later and I start worrying about these constant headaches. I worry about all kinds of things - tumors, diseases. My husband gets the stopayne left over from my hip resurfacing surgery 18 months ago, and this just takes the edge off the headaches for about 2 weeks.
24/01/2012 ~ Tinnitus
I stop swimming training because the tinnitus becomes worse when I swim.
31/01/2012 ~ Kidneys/Headaches
Consultation with GP as I'm experiencing heavy fatigue and weakness, headaches, I struggle to sleep and I've developed twitches in my arms and legs when I sleep.I also tell my doctor that my lips go numb when I get stressed or angry. I talk to him about the headaches, the slurred speech and problems converting my thoughts to words. Along with other symptoms, he requests blood tests to rule out a prolactinoma, a tumor in the pituitary gland (of the brain).
Prolactin tests are within the normal range and my doctor has no further advice for me.
(He concentrated on the cause of the headache, which he believed could be a prolactinoma, and the other symptoms fell by the wayside)
02/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I figure it could be the strain from my eyes, so I make an appointment with the optometrist.The optometrist tests my eyes and he confirms that they have not weakened over the past 6 months.
02/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I see the dentist - maybe it's an abscess I don't know about or something to do with my jaw - do I clench my jaw at night? NO! He says my teeth are perfect.
04/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I get a 2nd opinion from a different optometrist - nothing strange.
05/02/2012 ~ Headaches
No improvement in my headaches so I figure it must be the PC screen I'm using. I swap mine out with a newer HP big screen and use this in conjunction with my laptop screen.
06/02/2012 ~ Headaches
No improvement so I figure it must be my blood pressure, sugar level, or something silly like that. I go to the pharmacy clinic and have all of this tested - I am all ok. Pharmacist recommends a supplement for energy.
06/02/2012 ~ Headaches
2nd consultation with GP, and we go through the medication I'm on, we discuss my diet. He has no answers for me. My prolactin test and thyroid test is normal.
07/02/2012 ~ Headaches
A friend tells me about hearing this big story about the toxic dangers of these hip resurfacing implants. I start to worry and do some research. I find out the product was recalled due to a host of complications.
08/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I speak with another GP for a 2nd opinion. He arranges a consult with a neurologist for a week's time
I haven't slept for 48 hours, headaches accompanied by nausea, dizziness, sore throat.
11/02/2012 ~ Headaches
My husband takes me to ER because I'm sick, and crying from frustration of not knowing what's wrong with me. Doctors take blood samples, urine samples, and give me something for the pain intravenously. I tell the doctor on duty that I suspect metal ions in my body are causing me to react like this. Headache persists, and they confirm that they cannot help me further. I'm sent home with tramacet and voltaren.
11/02/2012 ~ Kidneys
Doctors at the ER pick up a UTI, which is strange for me. I never get these. I also have no symptoms of a UTI. I start thinking about toxicity and whether that has a role to play with my kidneys taking strain.
13/02/2012 ~ Headaches
Tramacet making me very ill, and I haven't eaten for 2 days. Headache persists.
15/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I see an orthopedic surgeon for a 2nd opinion, and he is not able to answer my question - is the headache a symptom of the high cobalt and chromium levels in my body?
15/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I start my research and the verdict: YES exposure to cobalt due to the DePuy ASR will cause cobalt toxicity, which is characterized by symptoms including headaches.
17/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I go to Pathcare and get my test results after 2 weeks of anxiously waiting, and it confirms that I am toxic. I research every available medical site, journal and papers written on the topic.
17/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I consult with my gynecologist so that I can ask him questions about headaches, links to thyroid, hormones etc etc. He orders a host of blood tests, and I leave with more questions than answers.
20/02/2012 ~ HeadachesI see the surgeon who performed the resurfacing surgery and we discuss my symptoms. He only now tells me about the recall. He arranges for my blood to be sent to a toxicology lab in London. Results will take a minimum of 2 weeks. More waiting.
20/02/2012 ~ Tinnitus
I mention the tinnitus at the consultation with my orthopedic surgeon, and he confirms that tinnitus could be a symptom of heavy cobalt levels in my body.
20/02/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I stop taking Concerta to ascertain whether there is a difference when I take it or not. I feel the same with or without the Concerta. I still have the headaches and all of the pre-existing symptoms
22/02/2012 ~ Headaches
2nd consultation with gynecologist. He confirms that my hormones are perfect, thyroid perfect, prolactin was re-tested and is perfect. He reckons I should have a toxicology expert look into my symptoms, because he knows nothing about the effects on the body.
23/02/2012 ~ Headaches
The pain in my head is horrific. I make a call to the 2nd Doctor, who books me into hospital under the care of a neurologist. I go through all of my symptoms with the ward nurse, and wait 3 hours for the neurologist to see me. I walk him through the results of my toxicity test and he is unable to help me because his skill is not toxicology. I tell him about my cognitive and speech problems and he doesn't offer me any advice or a plan of action. This is the point that I completely broken down, feeling helpless, and embarrassed by my plethora of "intriguing symptoms".
.He confirms that I have a "tension headache", but will come back to see me later. At this point I nearly exploded like a nuclear bomb. 4pm and I need to call the neurologist to see me. He concludes that I must be treated with physiotherapy, and I am sent home without medication or any hope.
23/02/2012 ~ Headaches
My husband consults the pharmacist for any over-the-counter medication that would take the edge off the pain, and he gives me.
25/02/2012 ~ Headaches
It's a Saturday and I feel like shit. I sleep my weekend away with the hope that the new week will give me answers.
27/02/2012 ~ Kidneys
I make an appointment to see a physician/nephrologist, and the nearest date I can get is 22 March. I cannot wait this long, so I start my own research. Research indicates that I could have Stage I Chronic Kidney Disease, based on the pathology results. My GFR is 65, and should be >110 for someone of my age, race, height and weight.
27/02/2012 ~ Headaches
Feeling slightly better in the head, I can feel my stomach taking strain from all the medication. I make an appointment to see a specialist physician and nephrologist who is an expert on toxicology. I hope he will help me with my questions on detoxing, my kidneys, and headaches, as I am concerned that if I am in stage 1 of chronic kidney disease, headaches along with my other symptoms will be present.
28/02/2012 ~ Headaches
I wake up with a throbbing headache. I am hopeless. I don't know what to do. I take more pills. I start my own research. I need to detox. FAST. I understand the connection between the toxins and my kidneys, and am starting to pull it all together.
28/02/2012 ~ Tinnitus
If I want to hear properly, I have to 'equalise' by blocking my nose and putting pressure through my ears. The tinnitus has become part of my life, like a neighbors cat.
28/02/2012 ~ Kidneys
I am now very worried about my body. I start researching because I cannot accept the state I am in. I have always been healthy and active, and today I can hardly move out of bed. Symptoms of CKD are headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, difficulty sleeping, restless legs syndrome, need to urinate frequently, weakness. I am doing as much research as I can on how to cleanse and detox your kidneys, what foods to eat etc.
02/03/2012 ~ Headaches
A consult with my surgeon. He requests a CT Scan to rule out possible pituitary tumors, and refers me back to the radiologist and a new neurosurgeon.
02/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
My orthopeadic surgeon insists on a CT scan to rule out a pituitary tumor. ONLY then can all these symptoms be pointed to cobaltism.
03/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I am extremely anxious about work. I know that I do not have the ability to perform my work, but I am afraid of putting my career at risk too! I keep calling my children by the wrong names today. Storm is Kai-Lee and Kai-Lee is Storm. The brain fog is quite bad today and I don't feel like 'me' anymore
03/03/2012 ~ Headaches
I had the SKIO this morning, and my headaches were not discussed. I was hoping that by balancing my inner energy and restoring harmony to my body, I would have less headaches. Not the case:(
Unfortunately today has been difficult and I'm exhausted. The pills take the edge off the headaches for about 3 hours.
04/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I had a conversation with my friend Helen today. I lost all memory of this conversation, so I was totally surprised when she arrived at my house a few hours later. Both Helen and my husband were completely shocked that I had no recollection of the conversation. I realise that my problem is getting worse.
Remembering people's names that I work with on a daily basis is also becoming a problem. I'm having the brain CT this week, and I'm looking forward to knowing for sure what is going on with me.
06/03/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
Today has been the worst day so far. I cannot think. My husband tells me he knows I must be struggling because my twitter feed is empty.:( I feel myself slow down, and my words are not coming out. My husband tells me I have repeated myself a lot, and forgotten a lot too. I know I had the biggest dip at 3pm. My head hurts but I cannot do anything or say anything. I'm on 'mute'.
06/03/2012 ~ Kidneys
I feel lower back pain, where the kidneys are. I am waking up twice in the night to run to the loo.
07/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I woke up feeling ok. My dip started at 10h30. I'm in rapid decline and transferring my thoughts to word on this blog is becoming too difficult. I know my typing is slower, I am making tons of spelling mistakes. I wonder if I've been having a series of strokes, or epileptic fits. All I know is that its not normal. And I feel myself losing touch with everything. GOD. Maybe it's dementia! [I'm giggling now] My husband is fetching me for my brain CT at 3pm. Surely that will rule out a lot of things.
08/03/2012 ~ Headaches
As I suspected, my CT scan is clear.
09/03/2012 ~ Kidneys
Lower back pain is now becoming noticeable so that I have to sit in different positions.
09/03/2012 ~ Headaches
It's 13h14 and my head is throbbing so I have to lie down. It's less than 74 hours to go before my surgery.
Within 5 minutes the head is so bad that I go 'mute' again. Aggggggghh!
02/03/2012 ~ Headaches
A consult with my surgeon. He requests a CT Scan to rule out possible pituitary tumors, and refers me back to the radiologist and a new neurosurgeon.
02/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
My orthopeadic surgeon insists on a CT scan to rule out a pituitary tumor. ONLY then can all these symptoms be pointed to cobaltism.
03/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I am extremely anxious about work. I know that I do not have the ability to perform my work, but I am afraid of putting my career at risk too! I keep calling my children by the wrong names today. Storm is Kai-Lee and Kai-Lee is Storm. The brain fog is quite bad today and I don't feel like 'me' anymore
03/03/2012 ~ Headaches
I had the SKIO this morning, and my headaches were not discussed. I was hoping that by balancing my inner energy and restoring harmony to my body, I would have less headaches. Not the case:(
Unfortunately today has been difficult and I'm exhausted. The pills take the edge off the headaches for about 3 hours.
04/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I had a conversation with my friend Helen today. I lost all memory of this conversation, so I was totally surprised when she arrived at my house a few hours later. Both Helen and my husband were completely shocked that I had no recollection of the conversation. I realise that my problem is getting worse.
Remembering people's names that I work with on a daily basis is also becoming a problem. I'm having the brain CT this week, and I'm looking forward to knowing for sure what is going on with me.
06/03/2011 ~ Cognitive Decline
Today has been the worst day so far. I cannot think. My husband tells me he knows I must be struggling because my twitter feed is empty.:( I feel myself slow down, and my words are not coming out. My husband tells me I have repeated myself a lot, and forgotten a lot too. I know I had the biggest dip at 3pm. My head hurts but I cannot do anything or say anything. I'm on 'mute'.
06/03/2012 ~ Kidneys
I feel lower back pain, where the kidneys are. I am waking up twice in the night to run to the loo.
07/03/2012 ~ Cognitive Decline
I woke up feeling ok. My dip started at 10h30. I'm in rapid decline and transferring my thoughts to word on this blog is becoming too difficult. I know my typing is slower, I am making tons of spelling mistakes. I wonder if I've been having a series of strokes, or epileptic fits. All I know is that its not normal. And I feel myself losing touch with everything. GOD. Maybe it's dementia! [I'm giggling now] My husband is fetching me for my brain CT at 3pm. Surely that will rule out a lot of things.
08/03/2012 ~ Headaches
As I suspected, my CT scan is clear.
09/03/2012 ~ Kidneys
Lower back pain is now becoming noticeable so that I have to sit in different positions.
09/03/2012 ~ Headaches
It's 13h14 and my head is throbbing so I have to lie down. It's less than 74 hours to go before my surgery.
Within 5 minutes the head is so bad that I go 'mute' again. Aggggggghh!